Longevity Lab Learnings

Living Better for Longer

We love our employees who have the experience and wisdom of their 50’s with the energy & sharpness of their 30’s.

Is this you & your team?

The Longevity Lab- Diet and Types of Food
Ask us how to make changes now that your future self willthank you for.
55 is the new 35

It’s been a whirlwind for the team at The Longevity Lab. 

Our founders, Salem & Melissa Domiati have recently returned from their US tour and have come back to us with so many ideas and new learnings that they are bursting to share. The Biohacking expo in Dallas was a blast, check out the videos on Facebook & Insta of some of the toys that were on offer.

Biohacking - The art and science of longevity
Over the coming months we will share the learnings with you, but here are a few points of summary to discuss with Salem to see if they are right for you
Longevity Lab Learnings - Get Enough Protein
Longevity Lab Learnings - Reduce Inflammation
Longevity Lab Learnings - Nutrition
Longevity Lab Learnings - Exercise and Sleep
The participants in the Laguna Beach workshop in California in particular enjoyed the neck exercises called ’emu strength’ and the bone density improving ‘kangaroo hop’. Ask in clinic for a demonstration if you fancy a laugh at our expense. They do work!
Longevity Lab Learnings - Salem and Melissa
Longevity Lab Learnings - Salem and Melissa
Longevity Lab Learnings - Salem and Melissa
This week they landed back in Perth to run an insightful workshop ‘The Art & science of Longevity’ for the key executives at NAB on St George’s Terrace Perth – an organisation dedicated to ensuring that their staff stay young on the inside so they can stay productive for longer. They all came away with actionable items that they can do to improve their HealthSpan. Such an open and engaged group, eager to share their insights from the meditative visualisations that Melissa led them through.
Longevity Lab Learnings - Art and science of Longevity

Longevity Lab Learnings

We’re thrilled to have you join our community dedicated to healthier, longer lives. Each edition is packed with valuable tips, nutritious recipes, and inspiring stories to support your journey to longevity. Stay tuned for expert advice and a dose of positivity to help you thrive at every stage of life.
Did you know?

12% of Australians get less than 5.5 hours of sleep a night!

Longevity Lab Learnings | The Longevity Lab

How important is sleep?

A good night’s sleep is crucial for both physical and mental health. It not only helps us feel more alert and energetic during the day but also significantly contributes to our longevity.

Longevity Lab Learnings Caffeine is good for you ?
Caffeine keeping you up?
The half-life of caffeine is said to be around 4-6 hours, meaning up to 6 hours after consumption there’s still half that caffeine kicking around your body, keeping you awake!
Lessons from the Longevity lab | Our Blog | The Longevity Lab
Struggling with your memory?
Lack of sleep can severely affect the activity memory center of your brain, the hippocampus, leading to information not getting processed. Hope you had a great sleep before reading these tips!

Begin your longevity journey today!

Follow us on social media for more insightful ways that we can help you live better for longer.
The Longevity Lab | Live Better for Longer